Deep within the swamps of Axxos lived the Hermit. For millenia he was the only living sentient creature in the swamps. Having been betrayed and left for dead in ancient times he now shuns the company of humans.
He prowls and patrols the Swamps on Axxos in his fabulous walking tower, trying to the best of his ability to keep strangers out, constantly brooding.

Quite an unusual project for me to post here. Originally made for a game of Inquisitor28 in february, but somehow during the process this turned out to be more than just a gaming piece for me.
  • Luca Riva

    Mind blowing, love it!

  • Jose_A_Alfonso


  • Marko Miladinović

    This so cool project, love all your Inq28 staff. :)

    • Kristian Simonsen

      Thank you Marko, I’m happy to hear that. :-)

  • dissident lorn

    its hard to find stuff like this on this site! great job

    • Kristian Simonsen

      Thank you :-)
      This is a very different piece, but I think diversity is important in a hobby like this.