Celtic Warrior
Celtic Warrior
Celtic Warrior
Hi guys,

This is my last paintjob. This miniature is beautiful and very didactic. Painting "Celtic Warrior" was a great experience that I recommend to everyone.

If you would like to see how I have painted it, just visit my channel on youtube or click en WIP Directlink (EN subs available) http://www.youtube.com/c/APMiniatures

I hope you like it!
  • gino2dope poppe

    Love the model and so good news that you provide Eng subs, now I can actually understand what you’re saying.  Is everything on your Patreon now also with Eng Subs?

    Greta work, huge fan of your work,


    • Antonio Peña Miniatures

      Thank you Gino! I’m happy to read your words. Yes, the videos on Patreon have EN subs available. The streamings keep the original language, I mean, if you ask in English/Spanish, I answer in English/Spanish and so. And the PDFs are dual. Thanks for your interest!

      Take a look at the youtube channel, there are more interesting things: D

  • David Faust-Du Sablon

    I love everything about this paintjob, incredible work Antonio!

    • Antonio Peña Miniatures

      Thanks, David. You know that I really appreciate your words, and how much I like your work. Hugs!

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    gold and favourite, Master work

    • Antonio Peña Miniatures

      Thank you very much Paolo. I am watching your work on social networks every day and I follow you. Keep up the good work, I really like what you do.

  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

    love it

  • Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"PLUS

    Very expressiv paintjob…love it!

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    great painting !
    easy gold for me ...

  • Vladimir_Golubev


  • José Manuel del Toro "Zwo"

    Me gusta mucho!

  • Jero Miniatures

    Precioso Antonio. Me encanta tu estilo. Juegas con una potencia en color que aún no consigo entender e imitar…jeje.
    Una pasada maquina!