A Study In Black Light
A Study In Black Light
A Study In Black Light
A Study In Black Light
I've always been a bit of a Sherlock Holmes fan, I think I have 3 sets of Holmes and Watson at different scales somewhere in the grey army, so when I decided I should try and get a small project completed for Monte 2017 it was an easy choice; helped by the scenery that came with my Twisted Kickstarter order.

The main challenge was the lighting, I wanted to use the windows and street lamp, but the flat background meant the figure would be back lit ... so why not just reverse the lighting. A pale night sky with dark stars, black light from the street lamp and windows, the darkest shadows in bright white, what more puzzling situation could the master sleuth find himself in ...

Or as Ben said, "You've gone all contemporary"

I'll take that as a compliment

Hope you like it
  • Casey Hastings

    Dude this is totally awesome! How have I not seen this awesome piece before?

    • Conrad Mynett

      That will be because I was a bit short on time when I was getting it done for Monte and didn’t get round to posting any work in progress stuff on Facebook.  Then I was sorting out getting a new camera, then it was more stuff, then lazy Christmas week :)

      Anyway, glad you like it, I’ll try and sort a small album on Facebook later with work in progress stuff assuming I’m not too busy trying to get something done for the Twisted web competition.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"

    Gold !!!excepetional

  • QianweiSHI

    You always paint those beautiful textures and present special ideas

    • Conrad Mynett

      That’s because I’ve forgotten how to paint smooth :)


  • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

    I really like this project my friend! :-)
    From fan to fan of Sherlock Holmes !

    • Conrad Mynett

      Thanks.  Originally I spent quite a while studying the original Sydney Paget images for the background but couldn’t settle on something I liked ...

  • Hansrainer PeitzPLUS

    The weirdness is beautiful. Would love to see it live.

  • Hansrainer PeitzPLUS

    Also: Where do you find these cuuuuute figures?

  • pstockley

    Very unique, I like it!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
