My entry that won the Overnight Challenge in the Australian Crystal dragon. Painted this during the weekend in roughly 3 - 3.5 hours which is a huge record for me especially considering there was no airbrush involved. I put a really rushed attempted behind this just to see where it went and while the overall amount of colours is a little boring the effect has turned out pretty good and I want to try and be faster like I was with this with projects in the future, it feels more fun to paint this way. I hope you like it :)

Sorry the fourth photo is a little blurry, must have missed the focus on that one, thankfully it's not an important viewing angle and you get the idea.
  • Matt DiPietro

    You capture the character well. A really nice paint job for the time invested. I like this overnight challenge event cool idea.

  • Radovan DarkTower Rybovic

    Great work with limited color palate and the time about 3 hours for this result? Unbelievable! GOLD