Random encounter! V.1
Random encounter! V.1
Random encounter! V.1
Random encounter! V.1
This is the first of the four (yes, four) H&V´s dwarfs that I started in my workshops and I´m finishing in my free time. I love this figure from the moment I saw for the first time. I think he can be the new Yarry...superb sculpt from Jonatan Monerris, perfect to practise (all kind of materials) and the ideal scale to jump from 30 Mm. to big scale figures. I painted every dwarf with a different approach, one in warm tones, another one in a nocturnal atmosphere, another in a cold environment, etc....also changing the color scheme in every figure. This first version is the most similar to Diego Esteban´s awesome box art.

All the dwarfs are painted with high contrast. I wanted to teach my point of view about this theme to my pupils. Oh, and I´ve changed the sword of the kit for another that I made with plasticard, a straight sword.

I hope you like it! and stay tuned for the next dwarfs! only three more and Disney will be able to make a new film!