My last project, a long and hard work to create the base.
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Lovely scene! The time spent on the base was definatly worth it!

  • Robert Karlsson

    Yeah! Slaughtered Scarface =) Well i like scarface so you should have been painting him =) Great scene!

    • Jerome "Myrddin" Servais

      No need to be afraid for scarface.  I cast his leg. I have big project for him ;)

  • Ivan Radenkovic - Kameleon

    Beautiful work.

  • Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"PLUS

    Je t’ai déjà dit que je l’aimais bien ta pépette en rose?!? Ben je te le redis…super travail…visuellement très aboutit…chapeau!

    • Jerome "Myrddin" Servais

      Il me semble t’avoir déjà entendu le dire ça oui.
      Mais ne t’inquiète pas je reprends tes compliments avec grand plaisir. ;-)

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"
