Please find the pictures of "Her", a 54mm scale miniature I have done as an anatomy exercise.
After validating the anatomy, thanks to the feedback from Jose Manuel Palomares Nunez I have done a new head (see head close up pictures) because the first one you can see on the 8 full body picts was too masculine.
You can also see that I have modified a bit the back around the seventh vertebrae to soften a bit this area.
Unfortunately I do not have the pictures of the final model that's why you have to compose.

The pose was inspired by a very great shot by ABrito

You can also have a look at an animated gif I have done for Her (please clic on the WIP link on the right side). Every 30 minutes of work I stopped and took the 8 angles pictures so you can see how I have done Her. It was quite a long process to do but I hope you'll find that interesting.

Comments are welcome,
Hope you'll like her

The kit is available here https://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/miniatures/cmon-miniature-limited-edition/54mm-nude-study-1.html where you can see the paintjob by Jose Manuel Palomares Nunez