I’ll Protect You
I’ll Protect You
I’ll Protect You
Today I want to show you another of those projects that i don't do more often due amounth of work they need: "I'll protect you"

It's a scene that, as those all who have so many work, evolves with time and at the end becomes to be something totally different from the first idea. This one started to be as another version of "treasure hunter", scene I did with fran Gil to enter to monte San Savino past year. I had at home that Rhino-man sculpted by Allan Carrasco to Studio McVey and i wanted to do somethig in that way with him, in a more desertic ambience. At the end it turned from a vertical scene to an horizontal one.

Final idea is that the rhino went to drink water with the baby to one of those not fecuent laggons in African's Savanna and they become surprised by a Predator looking for dinner that was hunting in that zone knowing all aniumals need to drink from there soon or later.

To complete this scene I sculpted from zero the small rhino while Pedro Fdez did me a favor (that he's waiting to claim) conversioning the Sphere Wars Werebull into something more dangerous (and it's true it's scaring). I worked on this scene 29 days, more or less 230 hours, much more that I used to expend in other projects, but I think that even if It could be better with a bit more color, It deserved that work, and I'm very happy with it.

Hope you like it too.
  • Winterland

    Buen trabajo.

  • Poisonauta

    Me pareció de lo más interesante ¡Excelente!

  • Mirco Vagnini (VaghenerMix)


  • luisgomezpradal

    Tremenda escenita, el cambio de cabeza del toro un acierto porque has conseguido hacer una bestia realmente chula y redondea muy bien con la peana…el rinoceronte pequeñito es una cucada…grande arsies

    • Javier González; "Arsies"

      Viniendo de un Crack como tu el cumplido es triple, porque eres tan bueno que sorprenderte no es fácil, porque fuiste el mejor del concurso (Enhorabuena) y porque encima para mi, es importante que te guste especialmente a ti y a unos pocos que como tu, tengo en un pedestal.

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Impressive Work, my friend!

    • Javier González; "Arsies"

      Thank you Roman, I really looked carefully to your Rhino king to paint some things and, obviously, was the inspiration to add the small animals :D

  • Erich_Strasser

    Wow, what a scene, perfect painted

    • Javier González; "Arsies"

      Thank you, but If i had to be happy with somethig is much more with the expression of the scene than with painting job, that is just correct

  • Sergio Torregimeno

    really nice details! GOLD :)

    • Javier González; "Arsies"

      Gracias Sergio, llenarlo de detalles era uno de los objetivos, pero sin perder la sensación de soledad y vacío de una amplia savanna

  • Dirk R.

    Really amazing !!!

  • Anders "Ritual" Eklund

    This is gorgeously painted! Very, very nicely arranged scene! I, for one, think the colour palette is perfect for the setting and the atmosphere. More colours could easily have lessened the effect of it, I think. Very well made, and I think the effort you made was well worth it!

  • Wilfried "Wilgor" Collas

    Amazing !

  • Tim

    The long hours were worth it. Magnificent work.

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    your best work ever in every sense of the meaning. es genial.

    • Javier González; "Arsies"

      Te va a parecer una tontería, pero conociendote de todos estos años, este comentario es como un tesorito que recordaré con cariño. Muchas gracias :)

  • Bran

    Eres un pintor increíble ... realmente un maestro en el noble sentido del término ... El trabajo que tienes que hacer para alcanzar este nivel es simplemente enorme ... No puedes llegar a ese nivel por casualidad, sin mucho trabajo y el sudor ... durante años ... con gran autodisciplina, es admirable. Todos mis respetos señor. Gonzales !!