Javier “Arsies” González in the spotlight
Today's interviewee is Javier "Arsies" González. Thank you for sharing in.
Spotlight are short interviews to introduce some of the artists here at Putty&Paint.
Who are you? Tell us a bit about you.

Well, my name is Javier González but most people know me as Arsies. I’m from Gijón, a city in the north of Spain, but i’m living in a small village in the mountains in the south spain since 4 years ago.
Currently I’m a professional miniature painter, if it’s possible to say that with the current economic situation.
What are your favorite tools, and why do you use them?
My favourite tool is my mind and my eyes. It’s easy for me to see the hole miniature painted before I start it, so it makes the process easier.
No, seriously, my favourite tool is the airbrush, I use it in about 80% of the miniature steps. I use a H&S Evolution with Citadel and Vallejo Model Color paints.
How would you describe your own style?
Clean, balanced, atmospheric and gray.
Show us your workspace. Do not clean it.

Well I clean it very often, maybe almost every week and I like to be organized so it’s not very dirty even without cleaning it (Video of the workspace)
Who influences your work and what inspires you?
I started learning looking at the spanish team forum, and I liked a lot the realistic paintings that some artist did there. Not fare to say only a few, but I learned first from Alfonso giraldes (Banshee), then I started to work a little bit with José Manuel Palomares, but after a while I decided to fly alone and put some space between internet and me to make my own things without influences. Even with that I did more friends than I can say. Currently I’m very inspired by the works of my club’s members The Cursed Monkeys, they showed me that there is another way to do things, not in painting, but with the hole scene. Objetive is to tell something new. Of course as this is my work I can not do it everytime.
Show and tell us what you are currently working on or what you recently finished?
I’m working on a big golden demon level grey knights army, and I’m trying to paint at least 4-5 miniatures each month, plus my other works, so now i’m painting another squad. My last finished project was the second version of Knight Models Gandalf which you can see on this site.

Visit Javier González at Putty&Paint