Ho partecipato con questo pezzo al mio primo Monte San Savino show quest'anno dove ho vinto l'oro nella categoria standard e il titolo Best of Standard.
Un buon incentivo per continuare a dipingere e a dedicare tempo a nuovi progetti.
This is the latest miniature i painted after a while. I tried to illustrate an hypotetical ancestor of mine, so i had some researches and i found this heraldry from the italian family of Rivas which roughly corresponds to the historical period of the equipment depicted on the model. And, gogrephically talking, with the areas where my ancestors could have lived.
This was my debut piece at my first Monte San Savino Show. And thanks to it i won the gold medal in standard painting category and the Best of Standard award.
A good incentive to keep painting and spending more time on new projects.
Riccardo "RA" AgostiniPLUS
Oh, so that was you that won the best of standard! Good job, it's really nice.Luca Riva
Thank you Riccardo!PierreYves"LordB"Geneste
It's an excellent work! I love the colour of the cloak !!! And ambiance is terrible on this piece, congratulations, your awards are well deserved!!! I give gold to you.Luca Riva
Thank you Pierre!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Hey Luca I just voted gold and catapulted your knight into gold medal average territory bud. You earned it... enjoy mate!!!Alessandro "Alastar" Marinone
Gold for me :)Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
as one of the jurys i must say that was an impressive pice considering it was standart.. congratulations.. Best of Standar without doubts.a beautifully painted red in general and that i hope next year you will go to masters category cause this level is not standar. congratsRiccardo "RA" AgostiniPLUS
My master said to me that you judges considered my piece for the best of standard too (but decided to go with this piece for good reasons), if you have some spare time, could you give me some advice to improve on my project? It was this one: http://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/11034Luca Riva
Thank you all! i'm happy to see you appreciate my work, i hope soon to finish and post some stuff, comments and critics are always welcome and i think are essential to keep improving! Thank you Riccardo, PierreYves, John and Alessandro! @alfonso:Really thank you! it was my first time in MSS and i known that painting level was very high. So i preferred partecipate in standard category. Next year i promise i'll pass in master category and i know will be hard but much more stimulating!José Manuel del Toro "Zwo"
Great work! I think that It is very interesting the colour of the clothes, gold!Luca Riva
I tried to obtain a strange cold Red, it was my first experiment. I used a light blue for the lights. Thank you josé!Jose_A_Alfonso
Gold! Awesome!Luca Riva
Thank you Jose!Enrico Collenzini
Bravo luca, visto a Modena e best of Show meritato per il tuo display! Gold!Luca Riva
Grazie mille Enrico, son contento che siano stati apprezzatiDavid KuehnPLUS
Fantastic work, Luca. Love the vibrant color and the structure in the cloak! Absolute gold. And Masters next time ;-)Luca Riva
Thank you so much David, this year i was in master category ;)Bran
Rappresentare un ipotetico antenato è un passo interessante, specialmente quando è fatto altrettanto. Non posso fare meno di Monte San Savino, quindi oro!ArtNiak
oh.my.god. Fantastic. Acrylics ?Luca Riva
Thanks! Yes, acrylicsMarco "BigBlackBear" Orselli
Molto figo, oroMichele Delbene
Molto bello complimenti oro