[Eng] New boxart for "Pedro Fernández Works". Long time ago Pedro Fernández told me the story that Pepe Gallego and him dreamed up as backdrop for this miniature. He also explained to me how he dreamed up the moment he had captured in his sculpture, and overall, some items he wanted to appear in a pictorical level in my interpretationi of his sculpture, for example, put it into a warm sunset....I admit It hasn't been easy to take it al, to shape it and to implement it in this miniature. It's a soft line's sculpture, elegants and delicate curves, smooth and large surfaces that give us a choice to try several texturing techniques and/or freehands : fur, hair, leather, metal, wood, tatoos, war paint, scars.....anyway, we can do anything we think of. We can play with airbrush and paintbrush, It's a good chance to enjoy painting.....paint for fun, what more can you ask for?
If you want to know more about Isbiliya story writing by Pepe Gallego, click http://pedrofernandezworks.blogspot.com.es/2016/08/isbiliya_13.html?m=1HERE
Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"
I literally just bought his over at Figone, based on the sculpt alone, but your paint job brought her to life o_O Love that lighting so much, drama!Jero Miniatures
Que bestia! El pelo pintado es una maravilla! Un Trabajo precioso PepaRoman "Light_one" Gruba
Great painting!!! My compliments Pepa, it's amazing!Roman LappatPLUS
This is absolutely fantastic, Pepa. No doubt one of my favourites from you.Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS
sometimes something is just perfect... :)Jay Martin (Redrum)
Beautiful!Ken "Macca Chung" Lim
Beautiful work.A.Demidov
Это - прекрасно!François-Xavier "Fx" HUET
Gold ! Its a beautiful piece of art !! FXBnoA (Benoit Cauchies )
The sculpture of Pedro is beautiful , the painting job you've done on it is wonderful . BRAVO :-)pit rehmkePLUS
Fantastic, great!John MeeksPLUS
Magical. Your work always blows me away. But this may take the cake, untill the next one I am sure.John MeeksPLUS
you need to post a video with this on a turntable.Pepa Saavedra
I will post it, but first I must do the video ;-)Pepa Saavedra
A lot of thanks to each of you!!! You all are amazing :-*Marko Miladinović
Fantastic work Pepa.Love it. :)Jason Zhou
Fantastic work. Love the intensity of colors and level of contrast. Your painting brings this figure to life.Patrick "The Small" Masson
Fantastic work, really love her a lot. It works so well on every angle. Gorgeous. Congratulations PepaCriCri
This is so impressive, my friend. Masterpiece, love it, love it, love it!!!Sergio Duran
Me parece una autentica salvajada Pepa.....una pieza preciosa. Los colores, ambientación, técnica, brutal todoPaolo-Di-Poce
only Gold for Pepa