Beautiful bust by Master Romain Van Den Bogaert.
I decided it was nonsense to do it like the original one because miss Pepa alright hit the best possible level and i'm a noob.
I Hope you like this alternate version.
  • Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"

    Very cool take on a classic sculpt! I didn't even recognize it at first!
    • Paolo-Di-Poce

      Thank you Neil, very kind comment
  • Josua LaiPLUS

    What a cool idea!! Good work my friend i really like it
    • Paolo-Di-Poce

      thank you very much my friend , this comment push me to do better and better
  • Jens Riber Poulsen

    Very good. Nice idea.
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    An impressive work, bold colors!
    • Paolo-Di-Poce

      Thank you really much. I like a lot tour "partnership" miniature, the panther has a fantastic color
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Gold!!! This is one of the MOST brillaint jobs I've seen on a bust in my near 25 years in this craft/ hobby, passion and life!!! Gold medal for the idea and gold medal for its execution therein!!!
    • Paolo-Di-Poce

      Lol John you are too kind. I've been watching tour works since years (expecially chaos ones).
  • Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"

    Very original and clever! Really love this, out of schemes and rules! I would like to see black hair on this one, but it's just me:) Great work! Sławol
    • Paolo-Di-Poce

      You absolutely right my friend but maybe too much black could be a little Boeing (i have used no pure black - is a mix of dark colors - but the result on sight is black). Thank you very much
  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    Great idea! Nicely done!
    • Paolo-Di-Poce

      Thank you again Jeff, i'm honored.
  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    hahaha, a Little freakshow, but well.
  • Max RichieroPLUS

    Bravo! Gold! :)
    • Paolo-Di-Poce

      è un onore, adoro i tuoi lavori
  • Lucky-LBT

    Wow, couldn´t imagine such a paintjob on this bust... very creativ
  • Winterland

    Original version.
  • CriCri

    Spettacolare, idea di interpretazione geniale e divertentissima!
    • Paolo-Di-Poce

      grazie, quando stavo per farla mi sono detto "capirai, l'ha fatta Pepa, sai che zozzeria che viene fuori", allora ho preferito fare una cosa originale :)
  • Sergey Popovichenko

    Great idea!
    • Paolo-Di-Poce

      Thank you. Really honored !
  • Davide "Snake" Decina

    Bella Idea! Bravo...
  • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

    Very original ! I'd like to have this idea !!
  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    grande Paolo ..... ti lascio un po di ori meritati :)