The Librarian himself is a Micro Arts Studio model from the Discworld line.
The base, candles and additional books are hand sculpted.
The model was my first experiment in OSL and the first model I really can say I am proud of. Please feel free to post comments, critiques & questions.
Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
As a big fan of Terry Pratchett's work I really like this piece but the blue in the candles' flames puzzles me as it looks unnatural. Your sculpting work adds effective to the atmosphere, I especially like the books.Dev Sodagar
Thanks for the comments Martin! I think my photography skills are letting my painting down. The blue is a little more apparent than maybe it should be but the angle of the photo seems to exaggerate it. It was my first ever attempt at flames and I think there are some things I need to do to improve (including reduce the blue using a white barrier layer that should also prevent some of the greening you see from the blue/yellow interfaceJose_A_Alfonso
Very cool this monkey!