Conversion of "Stormtrooper" from Young Miniatures.
I removed all the parts conserning the armoments, Gun Belt, Cartridge Case, Hand Grenade, etc...,
Sculpt what conserns for medic, Gun Holder , Red Cross Band and adjust the Dog .
Hello Luc,
Again an extraordinary bust! Wonderful as the facial features are worked out and one feels the wool felt. You have a realistic view. Respect!
Gold !!!
Roman LappatPLUS
Really interesting conversio work. Well executed. Like it a lot!pit rehmkePLUS
Hello Luc, Again an extraordinary bust! Wonderful as the facial features are worked out and one feels the wool felt. You have a realistic view. Respect! Gold !!!ronald Corné
Hey luc congr. groots werk .Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke
Thanks for the good comments Roman, Pit and Ronald. I appreciate very much !!!Jose_A_Alfonso
Hello again Luc, this work have great textures and a really cool face expression, gold!Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke
Thanks JoseDan Pollart
Knap werk, bedankt voor de link ;)Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Nicely textured and faded clothes, expressive eyes. Gold !Francesco ThauPLUS
Amazing work! Gold!Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke
Thanks Danny, Theodores, Francesco and Jocelyn