Here you have some photos of my latest personal project. This one is Thor from Nocturna Models.
I must say it was a journey for me because I learned much on this one. After Scale Model Challenge i have repainted some parts and especially the cape. It's good to hear critique and then build upon it and try to be better. On this one i wanted to use his dynamic pose and to accent it with a warm spotlight and then to add a secondary cold light light source to imitate the atmospheric light shining from above. I hope you will like this one and let me know what do you think in the comments.
This miniature is FOR SALE so if you are interested in buying this one feel free to write me a message.

  • David Faust-Du Sablon

    As I wrote on your page wonderful earth palette and crisp attention to details all around. The Hammer in particular is very well done and the fur is notable. Gold for sure on this hard miniature.

  • Michał Odolczyk


  • Gianluca "Branzu" Buttigliero

    What-a-Epic!!! Amazing!!!

  • Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"

    Bardzo dobra praca. Mimo NMM udało Ci się uzyskać bardzo naturalny efekt, pasujący do ziemistej, równie dobrej podstawki. Inaczej byłoby to dużo mocniejsze zderzenie komiksu z realizmem;) W ogóle sama kolorystyka jest super.

    Dodałbym jedynie więcej cienia na skrzydełkach na hełmie oraz na futrze na nogach, bo tak jakoś zbyt jednolicie są oświetlone te elementy - w porównaniu z płaszczem.

    No i gratuluję wyników na Hussarze!


  • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

    Cool work mate!