Super Surf
Super Surf
Super Surf
Super Surf
Another piece from 2010, I felt that the figure was a surfer when I first saw it, and then I read a reprint of Supersurf 11 so I had to build the air board and try the blurred background.
  • Oliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS

    Good job! and fantastic painting of the backround, it really looks like the girl is surfing with high speed :D

  • Archontis Kitsios

    Great effect for movement!

  • Jakob VPLUS

    The idea with the blurred background is brilliant. I was just thinking this myself the other day for a buffalo hunt piece.

  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    Awesome work and idea Gold for you

  • John Delamere

    Cool figure.
    Awesome idea and paintwork.
    Love the blur.

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
