This is my verson of the the Zhu Bajie miniature that I painted as a part of the Bigchild Creatives Jade Sea kickstarter. I love the quality of those miniatures and it was an honor to paint one for them. Let me know what you think.
Thank you Alfonso. I made realy good photos but after uploading here they look not to good. Also It's a shame we did not talk on SMC. I'm a shy guy hahaha but yeah it's epic that you think so mate.
Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Awesome painting, perfect in every way!Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk
Thank you mate :DJakob V
Oh my! IncredibleRUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
oh!!! gold and editor for me!Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk
Thank you RUSTO. I'm very happy you think so.Eduardo Garcia Lope
I love it!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
gold and editors choice. makes non sense that this has so low appreciatuon by the people. the painting is fantastic.Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk
Thank you Alfonso. I made realy good photos but after uploading here they look not to good. Also It's a shame we did not talk on SMC. I'm a shy guy hahaha but yeah it's epic that you think so mate.Jason Zhou
really impressive paint job!Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS
outstanding! for me too gold and editor, no doubt!Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk
Thank you Francesco. I think the photos look bad and you have sen him live so you know the effect.John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Sooo goldWerner Kellens
Amazing workLaoZedong
I see many details. Always see your patience in your artwork. Gold!Fenbeiduo
Without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most original and personal styles in the last years. It is great when someone show a new way of painting.Daniel Sandoval "Eslizon"
Fantastic! I really love it!Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Great GOLD WORK!Poliakov_Andrii
GOLD !!!