the starting miniature is the chaos lord from blackstone fortress, then, some parts have been cutted,head replaced and the armor ,fur and the banner is entirely re-sculpted to become a world bearer marine-like.
Hope you like it,in such a case I ask you to be so kind to vote it in the everchosen site:
Max RichieroPLUS
Grazie maaax!Bran
A very big and very nice work on this mini, congrats Mago !!Magobaku
Thank you Bran!Eric 'Flunk' McCartney
Love your work.Magobaku
thank you Eric!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Huge fan of this!!! GoldMagobaku
thank you John very much!Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud
Tremendous!Steve Garcia
Congrats! Gold