I am proud to share with you my last boxart for Kimera Models. Cherry Viewfinder, ARIDAM.
buy here: https://kimeramodels.com/product/cherry/
All painted with #kimerakolors.
I really love all ARIDAM series of Kimera. I feel always very free when i paint postapo stuff, they give you the opportunity to work on different materials, atmosphere and mood, and use of colors, dirt, weathering...
And this fantastic piece masterfully sculpted by Valerio Carbone under the concept by Carlotta Rossi and my master Luca Marchetti, is perfect for that.
a real pleasure to paint!!!
  • Blast Model


  • Enrico Collenzini

    Bellissimo, come sempre!

  • Bran

    Ancora un grande successo con questa box art, la tua pittura è sempre un piacere da guardare e interessante per imparare .....

  • Alex ✍

    Great work ❤️

  • Luceq

    Great- gold

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great Kimera’s piece. Gold

  • RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo

    Can’t wait to see her ‘faccia a faccia’ because I know that in real life it’s fucking better! That doesn’t mean that in photo is not good… Means that… Come cazzo è possibile?? Chhers mate