I want to share with all of you a very special project, I always loved Hellboy character and never had the chance to sculpt it until now, so, I want to say thanks to Javier Hernandez Calvin for this opportunity, without his friendship and patronage the world would have missed a lot of art.
And obviously a big thanks to Alfonso Giraldes for bringing life to the sculpture with his magic powers, by the way, if someone missed it, he won the BEST OF FANTASY at Monte San Savino Show 2019 with the painted version!! Congratulations!!!
Original artwork by Alvaro Jh
Ken 'milmart' Farrar
Another amazing sculpture from the master. Gold all the way.Freeman
ThanksChris / g0rb
Very cool! Gold!Alex ✍
Its fantastic ❤️ Congrats to both of you!Freeman
Thanks!Roman LappatPLUS
Again an amazing sculpting work here! Editor's choice!Freeman
Thanks Roman! :DJens Riber Poulsen
Absolutely wonderfull!François-Xavier "Fx" HUET
This one is outstanding too !! Great Job ! FX