Blissarah the Wondrous End
Blissarah the Wondrous End
Blissarah the Wondrous End
Blissarah the Wondrous End
This amazing bust is produced by 3Dartdigital ( and this scene is my personal interpretation for her. Hope you like it!

Twisting her lithe body in sensuous rhythm, her alluringly evil features draw in the foolish and undisciplined. Overcome with lust, her victims move ever closer, promises of unending pleasure radiating from her inhuman eyes. Finally, when the foolish mortals finally draw too close, her hideous claws strike with supernatural speed. Expressions of desire still frozen on their faces, corpses fall at her feet. The dance continues. The harvest is collected. The Lady of Pleasure laughs.
  • Herman aka Glitterwolf

    How did you attach her to the background?

    • Enrico Collenzini

      Thank you Herman. The bust is attached to the background with a pin into her back