I'm from alsace - france, was living near Holtzwihr a small village near Colmar.
The 26 jan 1945 audie murphy stopped an german counter attack, ridding on a tank in fire, firing with the machingun.
He finished the war as an american hero, and was the most decorated Gi's of the war.
I took part of the commemoration this weekend and wanted to do something, so i made this diorama inspired by this story and Jim laurier painting "hero of Holtzwhir" : https://jimlaurier.com/workszoom/2246003#/
Hope you'll like it
Bel hommage à ce héros Sébastien, c'est original et très bien réalisé", j'aime beaucoup !!Sébastien "BoarWorkshop"
Merci bruno :)Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Great!!!Sébastien "BoarWorkshop"
Thanks :)