This is anothe dwarf character of my range that I've managed to paint. I'm trying to improve my basing skills, so I dedicated many efforts to the base, I really enjoyed to sculpt those runic stones (for my sculpting skills it's almost a miracle)!
The miniature itself has been a challenging gym, I've tried many different textures and I've painted surfaces that usually I don't like to paint (fur cloak!) but despite all I'm quite satisfied with the result. I hope you like it, and one day I'll discover why, once uploaded on P&P, the pics look always more desaturated than normal .___.
Marco Ruano Miniature Painter
GoldNicol Bonacina
Molto bello!Fausto "AbyssoulFP" Palumbo
Durgino le foto fan cagare, ma la pittura è bella assaje! Gold!Matteo "Durgin" Donzelli
Ecco non capisco che succede .__. le foto di per sè sono le stesse identiche che posto su facebook e instagram! Solo su questo sito diventano tutte blurrate e desaturate, e non ne ho idea del motivo O__O ci son mica delle dimensioni massime da rispettare?!Alex ✍
Great job ❤️Bran
Congratulazioni !!