Hi! after a few days of really squeeze my brush i came up with this, i feel like it is like a concept car for me, something that made me learn a lot and will change my next works.
I hope it brings you a feeling, any kind really, i just wanted to do a piece that was warm and beautiful more than just color or smoothness.
120mm painted with acrylic and inspired by Roberto Ferri's works
Great piece man. Personally I like a little bit more greenish shadows but thats more a fantasy art way;] Still great skin and light study. Italian reainessance painters wouldn't whine about this piece;]. For story telling I would put this warm light more over her face and chest, perhaps nice warm morning?;] yet as you said it's concept, having fun and learing is most important with things like this. It kinda reminds me works of Roberto Ferri ( I recomend him ,his acts are simply stunning)
Keep on great job!
By far ... one of the best painted figures I have seen in the last years. The sculpt is amazing and so natural too and with your paintjob she just feels alive! Editor's choice from my side!
Lovely! It really is stunning. But I hate to be that dude, but the lack of body hair takes away from the naturalness of the piece and is to me an odd choice. Don’t get me wrong; it is beautiful
Una pieza maestra. Mi única pega es que no tenga un 100/100 de puntuación.
Es un ejercicio muy difícil y tu has ido más allá incluso de lo que pedía la figura, lo que eclipsa las pequeñas cosas a mejorar totalmente. La textura de la piel transmite muchísimo y la paleta de color te lleva mentalmente a los desnudos del arte clásico, cálidos y limpios.
Te has puesto un objetivo muy difícil inspirándote en Ferri para una escultura. En este sentido el contraste debería ser mas agresivo y frio, y no creo que sea nada fácil hacerlo funcionar desde todas las vistas. Pero sigue poniéndote retos así porque se ve evolución, aun cuando ya estás muy arriba en técnica. Oro.
Definitely one of the best pieces of figure painting I've seen. I keep coming back to look at this. It makes me wish there were more nude figure study type sculpts available. I suppose many feel it's passe for miniatures or that there's not enough visual interest without weapons, clothes, webbing, gear etc etc. but the apparent simplicity of a nude figure is only deceptively so as you've demonstrated.
Javier Hueso "PacoJavi"
Sin palabras...Arnau LazaroPLUS
Gracias Javier!eric wolfsPLUS
Hey Arno, thats a great skin painting for this GOLEM miniature. It's a very difficult exercice, and you did it as the best. Gold !Arnau LazaroPLUS
Thank you very much Eric! I appreciate it a lot!Wade
RespectArnau LazaroPLUS
hahaha thanks WadeKyle Maitland
I'd love to say more than damn. But my.mind can't yet.Arnau LazaroPLUS
xD Thank you very much Kyle!JanSoukup
Superb, goldArnau LazaroPLUS
Thank you very much :)Maciej Sadowski
Great piece man. Personally I like a little bit more greenish shadows but thats more a fantasy art way;] Still great skin and light study. Italian reainessance painters wouldn't whine about this piece;]. For story telling I would put this warm light more over her face and chest, perhaps nice warm morning?;] yet as you said it's concept, having fun and learing is most important with things like this. It kinda reminds me works of Roberto Ferri ( I recomend him ,his acts are simply stunning) Keep on great job!Arnau LazaroPLUS
I appreciate a lot your comment! and i did inspire in Roberto Ferri's work, he is a endless source of great referencesgirlpainter57
beyond a model pure artArnau LazaroPLUS
Thank you so much :)Hansrainer Peitz
I love itArnau LazaroPLUS
Thanks !! :)Vladimir Glushenkov
Gold!Arnau LazaroPLUS
Thank you Vladimir!Alessandro Natale
Oh come on.. that’s absolutely incredibleArnau LazaroPLUS
:D Thank you Alessandro!kouhung Chung
I was so shocked that I couldn't speakArnau LazaroPLUS
hahaha thank you so much!Alex ✍
My favorite piece of all time ❤️Arnau LazaroPLUS
That's a major compliment! thank you so much Alex!Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Amazing study on female human white skin tonalities to the last detail...!Arnau LazaroPLUS
Thank you so much!Ernesto Vicente
En Instagram ya te lo había dicho, sin palabras e impresionante. BravoArnau LazaroPLUS
Muchas gracias Ernesto :)Jero Miniatures
Un exercisi d'escàndol. Bravo. Molt bonic. ART.Arnau LazaroPLUS
Gràcies tio :)Roman LappatPLUS
By far ... one of the best painted figures I have seen in the last years. The sculpt is amazing and so natural too and with your paintjob she just feels alive! Editor's choice from my side!Arnau LazaroPLUS
That's just the best honor i can have, thank you so much Roman for such a kind words :)Clive Jackson
Superb nude study! Gold!Arnau LazaroPLUS
Thank you Clive for your support!Marco Ruano Miniature Painter
Como te pasas Arnau, platino total.Arnau LazaroPLUS
JAJAJA gracias Marco!Jakob V
Lovely! It really is stunning. But I hate to be that dude, but the lack of body hair takes away from the naturalness of the piece and is to me an odd choice. Don’t get me wrong; it is beautifulArnau LazaroPLUS
hahahaha, i know but i felt like it would be a bit more vulgar and it would draw the attention to something i don't want to highlight.Liu Yu Kang
太牛了!金牌!Arnau LazaroPLUS
谢谢!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
eres una bestiaArnau LazaroPLUS
Gracias tío, me alegra mucho que te guste, de hecho esperaba tu reacción con ansia! xDAlfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
oro y editorsEvgeny Golubev
Супер!!!Arnau LazaroPLUS
Благодаря ти!Marco "BigBlackBear" Orselli
YeeeeahhhhLuis UgartePLUS
Add a commentLuis UgartePLUS
Gold !!Arnau LazaroPLUS
Thank you!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Quina passada! quins colors, quines ombres, quines transicions... ets un abusón ;)Arnau LazaroPLUS
xD Gràcies Andreu!mmasclans
Top top topArnau LazaroPLUS
I can't begin to imagine how difficult it was to paint this. You have created a superb and inspiring piece. It's amazing! Congratulations.Arnau LazaroPLUS
It was XD a lot, i end up with headache every damn sessionFausto "AbyssoulFP" Palumbo
BrutalArnau LazaroPLUS
Thanks Fausto!Cepas
Impresionante. Una maravillaArnau LazaroPLUS
Muchas gracias!!Alberto Gil (SuoU)
Precioso tratamiento de la piel!Rhiana, "Cyradis"
This is a fantastic and beautiful piece! It may become a reference piece for pale skin tones for me - it is soooo good <3Nessa_Hill
Una pieza maestra. Mi única pega es que no tenga un 100/100 de puntuación. Es un ejercicio muy difícil y tu has ido más allá incluso de lo que pedía la figura, lo que eclipsa las pequeñas cosas a mejorar totalmente. La textura de la piel transmite muchísimo y la paleta de color te lleva mentalmente a los desnudos del arte clásico, cálidos y limpios. Te has puesto un objetivo muy difícil inspirándote en Ferri para una escultura. En este sentido el contraste debería ser mas agresivo y frio, y no creo que sea nada fácil hacerlo funcionar desde todas las vistas. Pero sigue poniéndote retos así porque se ve evolución, aun cuando ya estás muy arriba en técnica. Oro.John Regan
Okay, so you just moved the game on when it comes to painting skin tones! Game changing stuff, my man. Love it.Roy Jones
Definitely one of the best pieces of figure painting I've seen. I keep coming back to look at this. It makes me wish there were more nude figure study type sculpts available. I suppose many feel it's passe for miniatures or that there's not enough visual interest without weapons, clothes, webbing, gear etc etc. but the apparent simplicity of a nude figure is only deceptively so as you've demonstrated.Fabio "Ryusei" Fortunato
This is probably the best female skin in the history of figurinismRichard SharpPLUS
If I could give this platinum I would. A beautiful study of light and it’s interplay with form.Francois "Frado" Daugny
Incredible!! Such a high realism!! I am sure that will become a reference for many of us. Better than a real picture!!Steve Jourdain
Hohoho GOLD !!!!!vonvinus
Awesome work CongratsJohn Delamere
Bravo!Ivan Fernández "miniatures_ivan"
Crack!!!Li Zhen Nan
Gold!! Very, very goodAngel Polanco
Madre mia, no deberían permitirse fotos de modelos reales, solo de miniaturas pintadas, guiño guiño codazo, que tremendo trabajo! Gold x 1,000Lucky-LBT
Such a livelike skin and this dramatic lightning.... Maybe the best yet painted . Btw... Roberto Ferri is a great Inspiration for me too.Ahmad Othman
This is gorgeous. Looks like an oil painting. Definitely goldKurgnov_ID
Woooow. After this I realize how much I still should learn... Just amazing.