Hi! after a few days of really squeeze my brush i came up with this, i feel like it is like a concept car for me, something that made me learn a lot and will change my next works.
I hope it brings you a feeling, any kind really, i just wanted to do a piece that was warm and beautiful more than just color or smoothness.
120mm painted with acrylic and inspired by Roberto Ferri's works
  • Javier Hueso "PacoJavi"

    Sin palabras...
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Hey Arno, thats a great skin painting for this GOLEM miniature. It's a very difficult exercice, and you did it as the best. Gold !
    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thank you very much Eric! I appreciate it a lot!
  • Wade

  • Kyle Maitland

    I'd love to say more than damn. But my.mind can't yet.
  • JanSoukup

    Superb, gold
  • Maciej Sadowski

    Great piece man. Personally I like a little bit more greenish shadows but thats more a fantasy art way;] Still great skin and light study. Italian reainessance painters wouldn't whine about this piece;]. For story telling I would put this warm light more over her face and chest, perhaps nice warm morning?;] yet as you said it's concept, having fun and learing is most important with things like this. It kinda reminds me works of Roberto Ferri ( I recomend him ,his acts are simply stunning) Keep on great job!
    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      I appreciate a lot your comment! and i did inspire in Roberto Ferri's work, he is a endless source of great references
  • girlpainter57

    beyond a model pure art
  • Hansrainer Peitz

    I love it
  • Vladimir Glushenkov

  • Alessandro Natale

    Oh come on.. that’s absolutely incredible
  • kouhung Chung

    I was so shocked that I couldn't speak
  • Alex ✍

    My favorite piece of all time ❤️
    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      That's a major compliment! thank you so much Alex!
  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Amazing study on female human white skin tonalities to the last detail...!
  • Ernesto Vicente

    En Instagram ya te lo había dicho, sin palabras e impresionante. Bravo
  • Jero Miniatures

    Un exercisi d'escàndol. Bravo. Molt bonic. ART.
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    By far ... one of the best painted figures I have seen in the last years. The sculpt is amazing and so natural too and with your paintjob she just feels alive! Editor's choice from my side!
    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      That's just the best honor i can have, thank you so much Roman for such a kind words :)
  • Clive Jackson

    Superb nude study! Gold!
  • Marco Ruano Miniature Painter

    Como te pasas Arnau, platino total.
  • Jakob V

    Lovely! It really is stunning. But I hate to be that dude, but the lack of body hair takes away from the naturalness of the piece and is to me an odd choice. Don’t get me wrong; it is beautiful
    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      hahahaha, i know but i felt like it would be a bit more vulgar and it would draw the attention to something i don't want to highlight.
  • Liu Yu Kang

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    eres una bestia
    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Gracias tío, me alegra mucho que te guste, de hecho esperaba tu reacción con ansia! xD
  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    oro y editors
  • Evgeny Golubev

  • Marco "BigBlackBear" Orselli

  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Add a comment
  • Poliakov_Andrii

    Gold !!
  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    Quina passada! quins colors, quines ombres, quines transicions... ets un abusón ;)
  • mmasclans

    Top top top
  • gerryj19

    I can't begin to imagine how difficult it was to paint this. You have created a superb and inspiring piece. It's amazing! Congratulations.
    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      It was XD a lot, i end up with headache every damn session
  • Fausto "AbyssoulFP" Palumbo

  • Cepas

    Impresionante. Una maravilla
  • Alberto Gil (SuoU)

    Precioso tratamiento de la piel!
  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    This is a fantastic and beautiful piece! It may become a reference piece for pale skin tones for me - it is soooo good <3
  • Nessa_Hill

    Una pieza maestra. Mi única pega es que no tenga un 100/100 de puntuación. Es un ejercicio muy difícil y tu has ido más allá incluso de lo que pedía la figura, lo que eclipsa las pequeñas cosas a mejorar totalmente. La textura de la piel transmite muchísimo y la paleta de color te lleva mentalmente a los desnudos del arte clásico, cálidos y limpios. Te has puesto un objetivo muy difícil inspirándote en Ferri para una escultura. En este sentido el contraste debería ser mas agresivo y frio, y no creo que sea nada fácil hacerlo funcionar desde todas las vistas. Pero sigue poniéndote retos así porque se ve evolución, aun cuando ya estás muy arriba en técnica. Oro.
  • John Regan

    Okay, so you just moved the game on when it comes to painting skin tones! Game changing stuff, my man. Love it.
  • Roy Jones

  • Josh_Underhill

    Definitely one of the best pieces of figure painting I've seen. I keep coming back to look at this. It makes me wish there were more nude figure study type sculpts available. I suppose many feel it's passe for miniatures or that there's not enough visual interest without weapons, clothes, webbing, gear etc etc. but the apparent simplicity of a nude figure is only deceptively so as you've demonstrated.
  • Fabio "Ryusei" Fortunato

    This is probably the best female skin in the history of figurinism
  • Richard SharpPLUS

    If I could give this platinum I would. A beautiful study of light and it’s interplay with form.
  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Incredible!! Such a high realism!! I am sure that will become a reference for many of us. Better than a real picture!!
  • Steve Jourdain

    Hohoho GOLD !!!!!
  • vonvinus

    Awesome work Congrats
  • John Delamere

  • Ivan Fernández "miniatures_ivan"

  • Li Zhen Nan

    Gold!! Very, very good
  • Angel Polanco

    Madre mia, no deberían permitirse fotos de modelos reales, solo de miniaturas pintadas, guiño guiño codazo, que tremendo trabajo! Gold x 1,000
  • Lucky-LBT

    Such a livelike skin and this dramatic lightning.... Maybe the best yet painted . Btw... Roberto Ferri is a great Inspiration for me too.
  • Ahmad Othman

    This is gorgeous. Looks like an oil painting. Definitely gold
  • Kurgnov_ID

    Woooow. After this I realize how much I still should learn... Just amazing.