Mad because there is so much in it I can't explain in words. So much meaning to me. So much impressions and memory and thanks. So much friendship. I'll try to explain myself here, where you can also find bigger photos and a video of the project:
You can find the detail photos here:
The Project was done in about 9 days, where 3 days were used for planning, 3 days for basing and 3 days for painting. I can't remember such a mad timed project on my own so far but I have enjoyed it a lot, with reasons - those you find in the jungle if interested. At this point I want to thank Raffa for helping me with the photos and the video.
"A well-spent day brings happy sleep."
Leonardo da Vinci
"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death."
Leonardo da Vinci
Hope you like it!
Let me know what you think, dislike, like, etc.
Siggi Hauke
For me it's one of your best arts :) The creativity makes me stunning, everytime i see it!Diego Esteban "dieguetestudio"
one of my favorite figures, I think it's your best work. the idea and execution are excellent congratulationsMichael Proctor "Clever Crow"
One of my most favorite pieces of all time. By yourself or anyone else. Such an inspiration.Archontis Kitsios
Truly one of the best projects I have seen in the hobby. The overall idea and execution marks it as a unique masterpiece...Congratulations!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
this is mucho more than miniatures. this represent our life, or how it should be. the constant keep on going that belongs to an artist life. you understand it and you project it. you are what you show us..an ARTIStDr34m
Absolutely love this, brilliant work - full of emotion! Happy painting :)Brian Smith
Superb work,very inspiringFabio "Ryusei" Fortunato
You are a great source of inspiration and I love this piece. Sheer Art!Herman aka Glitterwolf
Great piece, it tells a story!