Spread another work from the series "Dog Life". Amazing sculpture from our friend sculptor Vladimir Danilov. It is a pleasure to work with this series, as sculpture at a high level, excellent refinement of little things, but I don’t even speak about the emotions of the faces of the owners and faces of the dogs. So, collecting and painting this series, I get great pleasure.
Enjoy watching.)))
Anna Lepskaja
Роспись супер ! Данилов молодец !Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Спасибо Анюта! )))Philippe
Great job! Gold!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Спасибо! )))Francois "Frado" Daugny
Great facial expression, great atmosphere telling a story...., Gold!!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Add a commentYury "Doka" Bezzubov
outstandingYury "Doka" Bezzubov
Great atmosphere, I like your painting !!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Отлично!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Спасибо Володя!Alfonso Floren
Muy bonitaYury "Doka" Bezzubov
GraciasEugene Dravskikh
А этому джентльмену тем более соверен. Он ему явно нужен!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Спасибо Женя!)))Jackishe1986
очень атмосферная работа!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Спасибо!)))eric wolfsPLUS
Without doubt my favorite. GoldYury "Doka" Bezzubov
Merci beaucoup!Evgeny Golubev
Зашибись! Рыжьё однозначно!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Спасибо большое! )))John Cordiano
I love this one! Great work on the various textures!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Thank you very much!Andrey Miroshnichenko
Отличная работа!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Спасибо Андрей!MaremagnumPLUS
Really nice! Gold!Yury "Doka" Bezzubov
Muchas gracias!