Hey everyone, soi painted this figure with the Artist acrylics from Scale 75 and really enjoyed them.
I wanted to paint him in a limited palette and realistic. I tried to add more tones than usual and push contrast which I hope to continue doing on the next projects.
I really enjoyed this figure and I hope you like it too!
I particularly like the balance of temperature . That along with some nicely achieved high contrast and beautiful texture work. This gains a old from my end.
Steve Jourdain
Bien réussi, beau travail !!!David Powell
Very nice, love the weathered blue tones you gotDenniz Hedin SaloPLUS
Love it! Awsome work on the base, texture and shirt. Groundwork looks really alive!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
I particularly like the balance of temperature . That along with some nicely achieved high contrast and beautiful texture work. This gains a old from my end.Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Wonderful work mate!Ernest
Gold man! I like to see classic painting techniques over hereDavid Gironés Ortiz Nowothny
I like much this GoldAlex ✍
Good job ❤️MaremagnumPLUS
Very good job. I love it. Gold!Daniele Petrucci .:: Zajon ::.
great jobAlessandro Natale
I like it! Good job JaySergey PopovichenkoPLUS
So cool!!!Philippe
Great Job!Blast Model
Very nice figurine and painting! Great miniature in result! Definitely Gold! Cheers!Francois "Frado" Daugny
Excellent painting, full of nuances!! I love the choice of colors and the lighting of the face!! Gold!!Laurent Aubry aka Pisco
Very nice !!!Capoch
This old man really tells a story