under the power of the warp stone, the devoted servant continues
to protect the image of his master ...
the ogre I have done only minor changes: I added a feather
headdress, a shield on his right shoulder and a lantern on the
belt to give the figure more movement. The base is made of balsaand Milliput to create an effect "ruined affresco" I textured the
surface and this has created some difficulties in drawing ^ ^.'s plan sir" Vitriol "was inspired (very inspired) by the fantastic
work Graphic Artist: James Ryman.
this model has participated in the 2009 edition of the Italian
Golden Demon and won a gold in the category big monsters.
Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Absolutely awesome!Archontis Kitsios
I really like your style. Like a painting!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Of course it won gold it's a maze ing!!!