Kyle’s Spaceman Symposium Showreel 2020
Just a collection shot of this project. It was quite fruitful and went a lot of strange places.
  • a k

    Marvelous collection!

    • Kyle Maitland

      Thank you Alexey, it was time well spent I feel.

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


  • Eamon Connerty

    Great work! Some of my favorite entries!

    • Kyle Maitland

      Thank you, I am flattered.  Glad I could do stuff people really resonate with.

  • ihiaripala82


  • jparkdr


  • John Delamere

    So cool. Reminds me of stuff I used to draw. One page with so much action happening.

    • Kyle Maitland

      Thanks John , this was a massive project and every moment of it was thoroughly enjoyed.  My mind was on fire as never before.