Miniature of Teutonic Brother-Knight Guard of the Grand Master Winrich von Kniprode (during the battle of Rudau), late XIV century.
The Battle of Rudau, it was a medieval pitched battle fought between the Teutonic Knights and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on 17 or 18 February 1370. According to the Teutonic chronicler Wigand of Marburg and the Livonian Chronicle of Hermann de Wartberge, the Lithuanians suffered a great defeat.
The Teutonic Knights also suffered heavy losses: they lost several of their officers, including the Marshal and two Komturs.
The basic model kit is produced in 1:24 scale (about 75mm).<br />
Sculptor: Oleg Pogosyan.
Painted by Viktor Osipenko
Original idea and research by Ingvar_L3x
  • Daojit

    Exellent work!
    • Ingvar_L3x

      Thank you very much!
  • Stanislav Mokhov

    • Ingvar_L3x

      Many Thanks!
  • Entrevon

    Excellent : gold !
    • Ingvar_L3x

      Much Appreciated!
  • ihiaripala82

    • Ingvar_L3x

      Many Thanks!
  • Alfonso Ciattini

    • Ingvar_L3x

      Highly Appreciated!
  • Oleg Pogosian

    Шикарная работа!! От меня только Gold !!!
    • Ingvar_L3x

      Олег, Благодарю за Поддержку! Очень Приятно!
  • WojciechBober72

    • Ingvar_L3x

      Many Thanks! Cheers!
  • Philippe

    I like it! Gold!
    • Ingvar_L3x

      Thank you very much! Cheers!
  • Vladimir Sychev

    • Ingvar_L3x

      Владимир, Огромное Спасибо! С Уважением!
  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Very realistic and dynamic, good metal and excellent white gown! Gold!!
    • Ingvar_L3x

      Hello Francois) Thank you very much for your great feedback! Cheers.