Is always fantastic to paint a piece by my brother the master Michael Kontraros! This is the last release of the League project, created by Kimera Models, Aradia Miniatures, Michael Kontraros collectibles and Nocturna.<br />
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it was great to paint, hope you like her!
Max RichieroPLUS
Absolutely stunning work! Great colours choice! Gold!!#RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
Wow sto pezzo è il mio preferito di questa avventura, pittura poi spettacolare eeePaolo-Di-Poce
super goldDavide "Snake" Decina
Ok, another Gold...girlpainter57
fantasticeric wolfsPLUS
Superbe peinture. Bravo !David Batista
Gold!Francois "Frado" Daugny
Incredible painting: choice of colors and harmony, skin tone and related contrasts... everything is great here. Gold!!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Fantastic, I love it!Alex ✍
Beautiful work Francesco ❤️Clive Jackson
Fabulous! Gold!jparkdr
goldLuca Riva
Great work, love the color palette.Gabriele Leni
Oro... che altro... sarebbe da platino, ma non c'èWojciechBober72
GoldDan Pigeon
Beautiful, thank you for sharing