Hello everyone!
Here's a newly painted bust from "Legion Miniatures" on the much favored Napoleonic theme.
The bust was painted primarily with acryl.
Bust size 1 10.
Many thanks to the experienced people for their advice regarding the painting!
Happy viewing!
Excellent job! I am amazed by the quality of the painting and the textures. I am really loving the hands and skin tones. The quality of the finishing of each detail is incredible. This piece is really for me a new benchmark!! Gold of course!!
Jeannot goedendag
fantastic painting goldAndrey Miroshnichenko
Отличная роспись, выразительный образ! Золото!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Great Paintjob!!eric wolfsPLUS
Great painting ! I like it. Goldfabrizio1969PLUS
gold!!!!Luis Sánchez T
Really nice painting!!Eduardo Garcia Lope
Great work!Philippe
Belle peinture avec un très beau rendu du visage. Gold!WojciechBober72
Znakomita praca-złotoBran
Fantastic !!Maiorov Stepan
Золотце!!Francois "Frado" Daugny
Excellent job! I am amazed by the quality of the painting and the textures. I am really loving the hands and skin tones. The quality of the finishing of each detail is incredible. This piece is really for me a new benchmark!! Gold of course!!Stanislav Mokhov
голдvincenzo gambinoPLUS
nice paint ... gold