With this project I have the intention to convey dead and desolate atmosphere, a sense of loneliness, very gray landscape where all is not dead, there is also life, but that life is not what you imagine ... Like trying to capture a moment and leave it Stanby for over 25 years ...
If you are interested in the project, the thematic or just want to see the "step by step" as national whole idea, you can see through the link or my blog. there are a lot of documentation, explanations, illustrations, drawings, pictures, videos ... You can even read a story created by my over all history of representing the project ...
I'm sorry but there is written in Spanish, but the translator would not be an impediment ;)
Hope you like it.
Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)
Very atmospheric sceneGaby Gonzalez
:)Ekaitz Zárraga
I love it! Fantastic atmosphere! Ya te lo dije en el ST Gaby, me encantó.Gaby Gonzalez
Gracias socio! ES una motivacion que me sirve para seguir mejorando en cada proyecto.Winterland
Good work