"The Plague - Sevelle 1694". A brilliant piece from innsomnia miniatures & sculpted by Pedro Fernandez. Absolute loved every minute of this guy, and the challenge of my first backdrop. Given the plague references I wanted to stick to a muted, "sickly" palette...which I think works?
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
it all works perfectly. gold!Aaron
Thanks, glad you like the spooky little guy.Eamon Connerty
Really great piece!Aaron
Thanks Eamon, I genuinely appreciate it.Konstantin <SUNchazer> Malyovanko
Thanks :)Janna ‘Moo’
Was a joy watching you paint that. Maybe a smidge of dark Prussian blue next time ? ;)Aaron
....there's still time...the blue's a coming.Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Cool! Fantastic dark and scary mood, splendid work!Aaron
Thanks MagnusAtila KawautiPLUS
Nice work! Gold.Aaron
Thanks Atila, glad you like him.Laurent Aubry aka Pisco
NIce Version !!