Okay study time. I take this excellent bust as an exersice on my (almost non-existent) NMM technique. I tried to emulate a mirror-ish like armor with reflex and shadows. It was pretty hard for my and this technique still confuse the heck out of me but if you don't try you don't get better.
Also spend a lot of time thinking if uploading this or not since I think that being and exercise may not be at my top level painting, if that somehow is a thing, but whatever world isn't perfect neither am I so here is it
Be as proud of your tries as you are of your successes
Hope you like!

  • Min Kim

    I have yet to attempt anything like that. I commend you on the effort and result.

    • David_cualquiera

      Thanks a lot. It was an interesting exercise, I’ll do it again in the future.

  • David Batista

    Gold tocayo… Te animo a ver mi galería!

  • ohtekPLUS

    Nice nmm gold!

  • WojciechBober72

    Dobra praca