Actually this one was first in line of this 3 busts commission. I wanted (and my client) to put him in cold environment . He will stand beside Julis Cezar i've painted, so I belive that those two gents will look nice so similar yet diferent and contrasty.
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
great job, gold!Holger SchwarzPLUS
Sehr starke Arbeit ----------------------- GoldSteph.DPLUS
J'aime beaucoup, bon boulot, ORVitaly Lapshin
NMM хороший,шкура леопарда тожеSteven ZuleskiPLUS
Brilliant colors, excellent!Marc MussatPLUS
very nice work !Mateu_Reb
Brutal!Adrian SmithPLUS
Very skillful!