Can´t believe this project was not up here yet.

Really proud of this one as I think I managed to get the gist of the effect.

I was inspired by the actual animation movie "The Sword in the Stone" where Merlin would take Arthur through the forest into some adventures. I wanted to portray the speckles of light coming through the trees. I had seen usually the shade of leaves painted on the figure but wanted to push myself to try the reverse.

Hope you enjoy it.
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    So cool! gold
  • Vitaly Lapshin

    Интересная передача светотеней леса на персонажах! Золото!
  • Bratishka0579

    Очень высокохудожественная работа,не то что у некоторых
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Sun rays are really great! Gold
  • TimPLUS

    This is excellent mate, probably one of the best examples of forest projected shadows I’ve seen. Gold and editors for sure
  • Sam Reed

    Wow! Very creative and love the dappled light effect. Gold!
  • Alexandre "Madvilain" Gille / MadStudio

    Awesome lights, gold.
  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Das ist im wahrsten sinne des wortes eine zauberhafte Arbeit ! Sehr schön die Lichter des waldes eingefangen , die durch die Baumkronen dringen . Ich bin begeistert von so viel Liebe ! Gratulation und Gold von mir
  • Janna ‘Moo’

    The dapple light effect is really good! May I ask how you tackled it? Did you paint the shadow tones first or last? Thank you in advance
  • fabrizio1969PLUS

  • Patricia Sancho

    Gold and editors. Es una pieza maravillosa.
  • Peter (Chilwd)

    awesome paintjob and take on this!
  • Jakob V

    Brilliant. Such a hard thing to get right. It works.
  • Bloodblade_miniatures

    Fantastic atmosphere !!!
  • Martin Lavat

    OMG! So Beautiful!!!