Really proud of this one as I think I managed to get the gist of the effect.
I was inspired by the actual animation movie "The Sword in the Stone" where Merlin would take Arthur through the forest into some adventures. I wanted to portray the speckles of light coming through the trees. I had seen usually the shade of leaves painted on the figure but wanted to push myself to try the reverse.
Hope you enjoy it.
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
So cool! goldNuno Rodrigues
Thank you :)Vitaly Lapshin
Интересная передача светотеней леса на персонажах! Золото!Bratishka0579
Очень высокохудожественная работа,не то что у некоторыхOrigalumPLUS
Sun rays are really great! GoldTimPLUS
This is excellent mate, probably one of the best examples of forest projected shadows I’ve seen. Gold and editors for sureSam Reed
Wow! Very creative and love the dappled light effect. Gold!Alexandre "Madvilain" Gille / MadStudio
Awesome lights, gold.Holger SchwarzPLUS
Das ist im wahrsten sinne des wortes eine zauberhafte Arbeit ! Sehr schön die Lichter des waldes eingefangen , die durch die Baumkronen dringen . Ich bin begeistert von so viel Liebe ! Gratulation und Gold von mirJanna ‘Moo’
The dapple light effect is really good! May I ask how you tackled it? Did you paint the shadow tones first or last? Thank you in advancefabrizio1969PLUS
goldPatricia Sancho
Gold and editors. Es una pieza maravillosa.Peter (Chilwd)
awesome paintjob and take on this!Jakob V
Brilliant. Such a hard thing to get right. It works.Bloodblade_miniatures
Fantastic atmosphere !!!Martin Lavat
OMG! So Beautiful!!!