Face, hands & details with Vallejo Panzer Aces & Model Color. Uniform with Ak-Interactive 3gen. For the details I used also a retarder medium. It is a difficult decision to weather a figure. And how much is good and not overdone. I weathered the Black Panzer Tank Crew using the Lifecolor Pigment Europe Dust PG112 and I set up the dust using the AK-Interactive Matt Effect Thinner ABT112. Having in mind that he is fighting as an infantry soldier the last Days of the War, Berlin 1945, I think it is ok. What do you think? Both products are perfect!
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
goldStelios DemirasPLUS
Thank you my friend!girlpainter57
goldStelios DemirasPLUS
Thank you my friend!Stelios DemirasPLUS
Thank you my friends!!!fabrizio1969PLUS
goldStelios DemirasPLUS
Thank you my friend!vincenzo gambinoPLUS
goldStelios DemirasPLUS
Thank you very much Vincenzo!Yannis V. Papadopoulos
goldStelios DemirasPLUS
Thank you very much Yannis!Maskalidis Akis
Περαστικά του, χρυσόStelios DemirasPLUS
Thank you very much Akis