She loved sunrises, dancing to the sound of banjo and loved how the lights of gas lamps flew over the calm river waters at night. Until that one evening when the world changed for her and everyone around her. First screams, followed by panic. Fire. Everybody ran into the swamps, everyone got bit and changed. The riverlands were not the same anymore. Stumbling shadows of once laughing folk that still sees the sunrise every day."
'Victoria''s Miniatures
conversion, painting
Keep on happy painting!
Roman can follow my work here!
Matteo Asolucci (maso__miniatures)
everytime gold!!!Jakob V
You are so on fire these days! I mean, I am biased, because it is my little lady. But to see you mess her up so bad is amazing. It is a horrifying result and I could bot have imagined it twisted so thoroughly. I am loving your brushstrokes more and more. Keep bringing that magic. Gold and editor’s pick!Štěpán Tichý
Damn, green and pink what a combination! I love how creepy combination it does. Love this.Frédéric BISSEUX (MINOS)
Angoissant !!! Bravo !David KuehnPLUS
Roman. I guess it's a compliment to your abilities to evoke strong emotions with your work, even unpleasant ones, but I find this (as your Blair Witch) deeply disturbing. It's just fabulous to see how you do that, without having to resort to crass exaggerations or drastic motifs, just by using the rights colors and brushstrokes (and some modifications to the sculpt...). Fabulously well done, brother! Talk soon, D.Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Like it!!!!Malte Dueholm
I love this brave scary interpretation! Stunning work, Roman!!!Francesco ThauPLUS
Gold!Eamon Connerty
Love it! Gold!Maiorov Stepan
It remains me The Unorgiven movie. Gold.TimPLUS
Sounds like the place just down the road from me on a Saturday night! Love her dudefabrizio1969PLUS
always a greath work,