Right now I like to work on some rather personal projects. This one is called “path of least resistance”. It is a piece about just giving in and embracing your decent into loosing yourself. It is bit dark, but I think it is propably healthy enough to go and stare into the abyss sometimes. Just to remind yourself that the abyss is not a nice place to be. This is my way of doing that.

The figure, if you are wondering, is from a set by Tamiya. It is called “Campus friends 2”. It contains 5 figures of normal people doing normal stuff and a scooter. Perfect for pairing with any crazy idea you have
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    I have that kit for years =) You put it to rather creative use!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I like what you did here! It is not easy to bring emotions together with a creative idea, even harder with a dark emotion. Nice one! I like it a lot!
  • Filgja

    Good idea and good painting choice!
  • TimPLUS

    What a wonderful concept. I really enjoy the tilted angle concept. Normal if you look upon it from a certain perspective and yet once you pull back and see the whole you realise just how ‘wrong’ everything is! Love it Gold
  • John Delamere

    Really cool!
  • Jakob V

    I feel this. Brilliant. Editor’s pick
  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
