Fallout T-45
Mödiphus Miniatures
basing, painting
In private collection of a collector.

Crawl out through the Fallout back to me! Some would call it a palette cleanser as I had to do this in between bigger projects that I can not show yet, but I call it a mind cleanser to clean the brain and get that inspiration of the Fallout Amazon series out on a miniature canvas.

Keep on happy painting!

You can follow my work here!
  • RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo

    captured! yes it's in the game, love it
    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you! Happy that you like it, Fabrizio!
  • Tommy Gunn

    Wow. And check out that skull!
  • Patrice-VincentPLUS

    Magnifique effet dynamique avec ce décor en arrière plan. Or
  • Tobias_K_Aasvang

    Dammit that looks good! Always one step ahead.
    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Tobias. Well, I am just trucking in my pace. More to come ;) - glad you like it!
  • Andy Ford

    So gritty and moody. I love the sense of motion created by the pose and the background brushstrokes and splatters.
    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you so much, Andy. Really happy you like this little vignette!
  • Alexey "Annaero" KrikunovPLUS

    Dynamics, ambience, amazing!
  • TimPLUS

    I knew it was yours from the thumbnail, I absolutely love him. The series was incredible and I’m glad to see it has inspired you! We need more Fallout in our lives! Gold and Editors
    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot, Tim. Absolutely, I agree. Arigato!
  • Yaroslav BozhdynskyPLUS

    Very dynamic and atmospheric.Gold!
  • Francesco ThauPLUS
