This was a labor of love. The amount of hours I put into this was a bit ridiculous, but I'm really proud of how it turned out. There are for sure aspects of him that could be touched up but overall I think he's great.
Happy to answer any questions anyone has on it!
Gold gold gold. Just outstanding job David, I shudder to think how many hours this took.Holger SchwarzPLUS
Das ist eine sehr aufwendige und beeindruckende Arbeit ! Ich bin nicht unbedingt ein Fan solcher Figuren - dennoch erkenne ich die Leistung deines könnens 1! Gold für Dein gelungenes Project ...............Eamon Connerty
Great work indeed! Usually this model is too busy for my taste, but after seeing your version I think it's that the color schemes that are too busy. Your simplified color scheme looks great!John Delamere
Awesome!Marc Revés
Amazing!!! Nice colors!! Good luck for golden demon!!SimonMitchelmore
An absolute monster of a project, you’ve done an amazing job!fabrizio1969PLUS
It is a fantastic project. The work you put in was insane and you should be incredibly proud of what you did with it!Alexey "Annaero" KrikunovPLUS
Great work with detalisation and composition. Unusually not overloaded with tiny details which is great. And focus kept at the main figure, not at wings or something secondary!