This is Triskel, the Warrior Princess of Hyperborea by Aradiaminiatres.
This project it was as challenge from my friend which started on Mosonshow. He choosed this miniature to me and I had time to finish her before Kontrastfestival.
I hope you like it this painting.
Tommy Gunn
Cool stuff.Lukáš Hačko
thx TommySteph.DPLUS
Gold ;)Lukáš Hačko
thxRoman LappatPLUS
Challenge well fullfilled. A cool version of this figure!Lukáš Hačko
Thanks Roman. I'm like it you like my painting. But this challenge wasn't so good without help and mentoring my friend,which he gave some advice with the choice of colors for example on NMM.Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Pintura limpia y precisa felicitaciones de corazón oro