This was a spur of the moment project. Kyle Maitland posted a first mock up of one of his projects and asked if people could guess what it was going to be. Someone answered “manta ray in the desert”. I immediately knew that I’d like to do that. Since Kyle was doing something completely different I went for it.
Moebius was a Belgian artist whom I really admire a lot. I tried to emulate his very surreal style in composition and color choice.
  • girlpainter57


  • Jakob VPLUS

    I love it! Brilliant idea to go with the impulse and very well pulled off! Editor’s pick

    • Christoph K

      Thank you Jakob. Looking forward to your class in Augsburg.

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      I second that in full :)

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great !  I like this idea, and well painted. Vote Gold

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS
