Hello everyone! Let me present to you my latest work - Fran from Final Fantasy (sculpted by Rafaela Mello for Bulkamancers). Model is scaled down to 50% and 3D printed. I hope you will like my version! Enjoy :)
  • Steven ZuleskiPLUS

    Superb brush work, all over this piece!  Awesome job, Ladislav!

  • Tommy Gunn

    It is amazing.

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    The painiting is just wow!!!!

  • Steph.DPLUS

    Wow, gold ;)

  • Albert_3d

    Is really amazing, fine technique in overall details, specially the NMM in silver and gold. But the purple tones on the base are a great touch too.

    • Ladislav MajerPLUS

      thank you very much mate, I am really glad you like my work :)

  • Marc Revés

    Wow!!!! Amazing!! Veri nice job!! Congrats

  • Eszter

    Very beautiful! Absolutely gold!

  • Matthew Graham

    So great! You are such a fantastic painter.

  • fabrizio1969PLUS
