One of my biggest issue so far with painting is the fact that I tend to be messy, which results in nice and fast sketches, but finished projects that feel unfinished. Where my work doesn't feel deliberate.
This is what I tried to deliberately work on with the piece. I tried to work on having a better definition of the different elements, and also to take my time. I did a few small breaks in this project, went to several rounds of feedbacks, and I feel it's time to call it done. It'll probably be a stepping stone project for me, and I can't wait to continue on what I learnt with it and integrate it on my next pieces.
This lovely mini has been produced by nekog alaxy from the art of Deathburger and I can't wait to paint more of their great minis.
Mikkel Frederiksen
One of your bestQuentin_Poin
Thanks a lot Mikkel! :DAtila KawautiPLUS
Thanks Atila!raboliot
It's a bomb !Quentin_Poin
Indeed it is ;)Might be Monsters
I agree with the rest! This piece is the bomb!Quentin_Poin
Thank you my dears!Albert_3d
Beautiful figure, and well painted, specially is very expressive on the face.Quentin_Poin
Thanks for the kind words AlbertEamon Connerty
Very nice work!Quentin_Poin
Thanks eamon!Suchac
It has a really atmospheric feelQuentin_Poin
Thanks a lot!sk_drille
Great atmosphere and lightsQuentin_Poin
Thank you very much!Andrei_Borisov
Понравилось! Золото!Quentin_Poin
Thank you Andrei!Patrice-VincentPLUS
La figurine est intéressante et le choix des couleurs ne l'est pas moins. Belle réalisation. Or