After 3 differents accidents, one of the accidents causing the complete destruction of the dragon and having to reasemble and apply lots of putty, i present these incredible dragon from @karolrudyk and sculpted by @victor_aguilardb to @freakwarsmadrid
I really enjoy painting these gigantic dragon, so fun and intersting. Incredible work from the sculptor!!! and remember: without sculptors we have nothing to paint. Hope you like it!!
  • OrigalumPLUS

    Monumental work!
  • TimPLUS

    Congrats mate. I saw her at Freakwars and you did a great job on this total monster! Gold
    • BernatFerragud

      Thank you Tim, just improving on each work!!!
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    original work ! vote gold
  • Steve "Babelfish" Riley

    Incredible work on an outstanding piece. Gold all the way.