I ended up never releasing.
Truth is I don’t think I created my version with this and will paint a new one. I have something very special in mind.
I do love this marbled man, but I don’t think it is exactly this version that will be my version.
Let me try again. You’ll see then.
Also used for an oil class in Finland, which I just loooved!
Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Lovely work buddy!Jakob V
Thanks mate :) Happy you like it - in pictures and IRL too :)Marc Revés
Excellent marble man!! GreatJakob V
Thank you Marc!Holger SchwarzPLUS
Ein wirkliches sinnliches und liebevolles Kunstwerk , was du erschaffen hast Jakob Ich freue mich , so schönes zu sehen , es tut der Seele gut ! - DankeJakob V
Danke! Thank you for such kind words.Tommy Gunn
You don’t like it! But I think it is tremendous.Jakob V
Thanks so much. I do like it, but just didn’t quite do what I intended, you know.eric wolfsPLUS
great painting ! vote goldJakob V
Thank you Eric’Franky2PLUS
Amazing contrast between the both figuresJakob V
Thanks Franky. I appreciate that.Marc MussatPLUS
Amazing !