A period in history that will always be with me, the fall of the Aztec empire.The drama, the horror and all the moments that led up to a destruction of an empire and the consequences it was to have in history and politics.A 1/16 scratchbuilt scene showing two Aztec warriors desperately defending their capital, fighting house by house, street by street until there will be nothing to defend and no defenders left...
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great sculpt, great painting, great master, great Gold !
    • Mike Blank

      Thanks my friend!
  • John Davis

    These are brilliant. Do you do your dioramas for yourself or has this been commissioned?
  • Frédéric BISSEUX (MINOS)

    J'ai adoré cette scène au SMC, elle fait partie de mes préférées à ce show, je ne savais pas qu'elle était de toi mais j'aurai pu le deviner grâce à ta peinture si caractéristique ! Bravo !
  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Super work!!! Love it!!!!
  • Jakob V

    Love it! Editor’s pick from me
  • Clive Jackson

    Unusual subject, quality job, sculpt and paint! Gold!
  • Eduardo Fernandez

    Gold of course!!