Ithil, light of dawn
This is another entry that I brought to Monte San Savino Show 2024.

Academic busts are always really fun to play with. I believe everyone should have a few lying around, ready to go. I find them really helpful when creativity is in a drought, whenever I want to try something, or even as a study in preparation of a big scary piece.

Hope you like it!
  • Might be Monsters

    Seen her live at Monte! She was one of my absolute favourites of the entire show! Her mood is so sublime, her sadness is strikingly humbling. Gold!
  • Štěpán Tichý

    She was wonderful at MSS! Love the hair and skin. Really great work!
  • Oscar San Miguel

    Gold. I very nice work.
  • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

  • Archigrog

    Very nice! My compliments